Pediguard ® 12mm

Pediguard® is an custom manufactured construction and without a doubt the toughest entrance flooring money can buy.

1Seleccione uma inserção<br>

Non-rotting carpet with scraping and drying abilities
2 Seleccione o acabamento dos perfis<br>

Anodized aluminium
Military grade anodization
Descrição do Produto<br>
Área de instalação<br>


Capacidade de carga

200 kg/roda


Pediguard® offers the highest grade of stability and resistance to wear, supporting even heavy mechanised rolling traffic of over 200kg/wheel, while constituting an extremely versatile and effective barrier to the infiltration of soil and moisture into buildings.

  • Ultra durable entrance flooring solution
  • Available in open finish to enhance load capacity

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Dependendo da complexidade do seu pedido, apresentaremos resposta no intervalo de 24 a 96 horas (excluindo fins de semana e feriados). Caso deseje que dos nossos especialistas entre em contacto consigo, agradecemos nos indique o seu numero de telefone.<br>

Pediguard ® 12mm

Pediguard® is an custom manufactured construction and without a doubt the toughest entrance flooring money can buy.
Current selected type of covering
Carpet - Grey
Current selected type of material
Anodized aluminium - Colorless Open


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